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Monday, March 30, 2009

Nuclear Free gone by lunchtime?

Leaked survey reveals questions over nuclear ban
New Zealanders are being asked whether the Government should allow nuclear-powered ships back into our waters. Since the 1980s prime minister David Lange banned nuclear weapons and nuclear power, sparking a diplomatic stand-off with the US that has never been resolved, the nuclear ship issue has become a sacrosanct touchstone of New Zealand foreign policy. But now, workers for a market research company have disclosed they have been polling voters about nuclear power. The workers have been in a pay dispute with their employer, Oceania Customer Interaction Service (OCIS). The Unite union last night settled its dispute with the company, but not before claiming the survey was being carried out for the National Party. The National Party has denied it was involved. A spokesman for Prime Minister John Key said: "We've never heard of the company, and we're not using them." He said National had no intention of changing the anti-nuclear policy. Unite boss Mike Treen said members at the North Shore-based OCIS call centre had last month conducted a short survey about attitudes towards dropping the ban on nuclear-powered vessels. He said staff believed the client was the National Party.

Why would National even try and bring this dead dog back from it’s rotting, maggot infested resting place? It just makes no sense, nuclear free is so part of our national identity it would only be the most American arse-licking-right-wing-loving MP who would even consider it – where is McCully? What is he doing? It would be much more likely that the Nuclear Industry itself would be testing out public sentiment to try and see if there has been any shift as they would LOVE to have a reactor in NZ for PR purposes, that would make sense – but National doing the research? Key was pretty clear it wasn’t him on Breakfast this morning, so he’s now put his reputation on the line by denying it, he better hope Unite don’t have any information connecting the client to this research…


At 30/3/09 8:03 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

he better hope Unite don’t have any information connecting the client to this research…

Or maybe Unite better hope they have some evidence to back their claims up if they ever want any one to take them seriously ever again.

The fact that they have encouraged their members to break their client's confidentiality (if it is National) is highly unethical if not illegal. If it isn't National doing the research then they are nothing but dishonest losers.

And in any case: since when did asking for people's opinion on nuclear issues become a crime?

At 30/3/09 8:26 am, Blogger Bomber said...

And in any case: since when did asking for people's opinion on nuclear issues become a crime?

It's not, but if you are doing it in secret when you've publicly said you wouldn't, it makes people think you are a pack of lying two faced wankers doesn't it, and that tends to hurt one's chances of re-election.

At 30/3/09 8:36 am, Anonymous sdm said...

Well there is a presumption here that Unite is telling the truth, however I dont think taking a poll on this is criminal.

I argued in my thesis that the ban on nuclear ships is less about the dangers of nuclear weapons and nuclear power and more about moralistic nationalism. Considering the nationalistic sentiments that this policy has, I would suggest that the poll results would be very one sided.

At 30/3/09 8:45 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it makes people think you are a pack of lying two faced wankers doesn't it

You think that about National any way, the point is that we seem to be taking UNITE's word for it - I don't see why we should seeing as they have a fairly obvious vested interest in making the National party look bad. Let UNITE show us some evidence - if they can't then perhaps they should should shut up.

and that tends to hurt one's chances of re-election.

That sounds like wishful thinking on your part.

At 30/3/09 9:35 am, Anonymous Right Said Fred said...


Alarmist First sentence...

"New Zealanders are being asked whether the Government should allow nuclear-powered ships back into our waters."

Reality in text of article...

"But now, workers for a market research company have disclosed they have been polling voters about nuclear power."

WTF??? Sorry what is actually the issue?? Ships or Power Stations?

Slow news day?


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