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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The barest slither of Super City democracy

City's boards willing to be more open
The unelected boards of businessmen running most Super City services are coming round to the idea of opening their meetings to public scrutiny.

The Orwellian named Council Controlled Organisations that control 75% of Aucklands assets and which were stacked with corporate interests by Rodney Hide without any of the consultation he promised have decided this week that they will listen to Len Brown and allow their meetings to be open to the public.

Hallalulya brothers and sisters, it's the fucking dawning of the age of aquarious, it's almost as if the Greek God of Democracy has opened the Auckland Super City up to scrutiny from the people who pay it.

I think it's a load of bullshit.

Forcing these buggers to be open to the Public is the least they can do, the CCO's have been stacked with corporate interests who will make the majority of their decisions in secret and when we have such viscous proponents of privatization of many of Aucklands services, the CCO's must be far more open than simply allowing members of the public to wander in to poorly advertised meetings they hold. The CCO's need to be reappointed with many more interests being represented and force all CCO's to publish any of the policy decisions on line to allow the public to scrutinize their decisions over our assets.

Auckland city is OUR city, it's not Rodney Hides city and it sure as hell isn't a city owned by corporations. Yet.


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